how many times did andrea and i hold each other on the couch and cry our faces off watching some documentary about baby white tigers or jaguars? approx. 1 million. here is the best one of all. I could get into the true meaning of friendship and love and that sort of stuff, because i have a lot of thoughts on that, but just watch this- andrea and melanie, you will cry. allison, i already know what you will say, "tender."
*there is a longer version (over an hour long) if you want to watch that too:) just search for christian the lion
1 comment:
Umm, so I've just checked out your blog for the first time after crying my way home from saying goodbye, and let me tell you: that video is not a good thing when you're trying to stop crying. Also, you should know that Lyric just came and nuzzled me just like Christian the Lion. Tender.
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